Hi, this is one of my first blogs, here I'll talk principally about anime, 'cause I'm keen on it,my favourite anime series are GTO(Great Teacher Onizuka), Strawberry Panic and DNAngel, which I'm currently viewing.Also I 'll talk about Japan; its culture, language, people, geography, food... and about J-music(K-music too).But not all are about this country, here there will be something more ,If you liked this blog you can let a comment below,so I 'll kow what I have to improve...I hope that you enjoy here, welcome to Frozen Flame Street, this is just the begining....

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

To begin,some notions of basic Japanese.

It's interesting in order to see anime series that you have almost a bit culture of the Japanese language.We must start by the begining.

Step 1:Alphabet

The task of learning any language requires always the knowing of its alphabet, because that is the base of every language.

I supose that all of you know that Japanese hasn't got the occidental characteres like a,b,c,d...but it has a special ones, It has 2 strict alphabets : hiragana and katakana ,and then the kanji.

The hiragana and the katakana are only syllabarious, the characteres alone don't have any meaning,they are used in order to form words, like the syllabes of our alphabet.


If you look it well, you can see that there are some letters that are ausent, well, the letters g, z, d, p, and b only can be pronunced if we modify some sylabes:


We use the hiragana in all the Grammar in general, it's the most extended alphabet, because the katakana is only used in the traslation of foreign words and onomatopeias.

And then , the kanji is the other alphabet,it has more than 50.000 characters but currently we only use about 3.000
In order to "study" the kanji I 'll make a special section.

Step 2: Basic expressions
If you want to comunicate in Japanese this is extremly useful ,there are some expressions that you are going to listen commonly.

To make the task easier I'm going to write them in romaji(the sound of Japanese written with occidental characteres)

Step 3: Numbers
This is very important too to understand any language.

Step 4: Personal pronouns

Step 5: Some basic vocabulary
Now, dont't think that you are going to understand the whole series, but maybe a word, two words, three... :P

4 comentarios:

  1. hola!!!!!! Soy tu compi de clase!!!!! >,<ya te estoy siguiendo!!!!

  2. Hi!!! wow me encanta tu primera entrada!! es muy helpful! =)
    soy josema jeje

  3. Vaya, dominas muy bien el inglés... y el japo que tal lo llevas?¿?
    A mí no se me da bien el inglés T.T!!

  4. Joooooooooooo me encanta^^
    Me has ganao con eso del japones que lo sepas jajajaja

    Muy buen inglés, por cierto =)pasate por mi blog!^^
    Un besote =)
